Make it a Mother Daughter Day & book your Bow Party Today ....
Its really easy all you need is a minum of 7 guest. I will need the names of your guest planning on attending and phone numbers just to confirm the party .  You can choose to provide refeshment and appetizers.

            The way the party works is I will bring some of my hand made bows, head bands, and bow holders on display units to be sold and order forms to take custom orders. Your friends can bring outfits if they wish to do made to match bows.

We will play fun games and guest can win a prize.
Parties usually last about 1-2 hours, depending on the number of guests.
What you earn when you host your Bow Party, you automatically receive a $20 in bow bucks (credit toward your purchase). Plus for every $100 in sales you receive $10 in bow bucks (credit)!!! You will receive $10 in credit for every party that your guests book that day. The credit will be applied after those parties are held.  Bow Parties are available in the San Antonio only!